Embracing Health Sign Up

YES! You're Joining Us! 

What's Included:
To truly change your health, you have to change your energy.

  • LIVE Monthly Group Calls on Zoom with Dr. Kim the 1st Thursday of each month starting July 2nd (11am MT/ 1pm ET) to guide you through the content. (approx. 90 mins). Call dates will be July 11th, August 1st, September 5th, October 3th, November 7th, December 5th, January 9th, February 6th, March 6th, April 3rd, May 1st
  • Monthly Pre-Recorded Group Calls to assist you in integrating a new consciousness and accelerate healing
  • Monthly Powerful Audio Meditations to shift your frequency and integrate the highest levels of health
  • An invitation to the small group kick-off integration call on 7/2/24 at 11am MT ($2500 value)
  • Online Assistance from MindBody Mentors in our Online Community Forum with weekly LIVE check-ins as you go through this every Thursday at 11am MT /1pm EST & once a month at 5pm MT/ 7pm EST
  • MindBody Mastery video modules: 5 Modules of Powerful MindBody Tools for Healing and Awakening
  • Bonus audios and videos to specifically assist with sleep, money and prosperity, EFT Tapping for personal health and wealth, an amazing Daily Integration Exercise, and more
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to our private Embracing Health community (access to audit future program versions and activity)
PLUS you'll also receive:
  • Quarterly (4) small-group LIVE Zoom calls with Kim with 1:1 interaction in group to personally address your questions and assist your journey. These will be smaller groups for deeply integrative sessions together!
  • Live monthly group Zoom calls with MindBody Mentors for the remaining months to integrate the work, address questions, and offer direct personal guidance for your deepening into this work. These will also be smaller group calls from the Tier 1 group and you will have the opportunity for more personalized assistance.
What's Included:
To truly change your health, you have to change your energy.

  • LIVE Monthly Group Calls on Zoom with Dr. Kim the 1st Thursday of each month starting July 2nd (11am MT/ 1pm ET) to guide you through the content. (approx. 90 mins). Call dates will be June 6th, July 11th, August 1st, September 5th, October 3th, November 7th, December 5th, January 9th, February 6th, March 6th, April 3rd, May 1st
  • Monthly Pre-Recorded Group Calls to assist you in integrating a new consciousness and accelerate healing
  • Monthly Powerful Audio Meditations to shift your frequency and integrate the highest levels of health
  • An invitation to the small group kick-off integration call on 7/2/24 at 11am MT ($2500 value)
  • Online Assistance from MindBody Mentors in our Online Community Forum with weekly LIVE check-ins as you go through this every Thursday at 11am MT /1pm EST & once a month at 5pm MT/ 7pm EST
  • MindBody Mastery video modules: 5 Modules of Powerful MindBody Tools for Healing and Awakening
  • Bonus audios and videos to specifically assist with sleep, money and prosperity, EFT Tapping for personal health and wealth, an amazing Daily Integration Exercise, and more
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to our private Embracing Health community (access to audit future program versions and activity)
  • An invitation to a VIP Dinner with Dr. Kim in Los Angeles 6/23/24 ($1500 value)
PLUS you'll also receive:
  • Quarterly (4) small-group LIVE Zoom calls with Kim with 1:1 interaction in group to personally address your questions and assist your journey. These will be smaller groups for deeply integrative sessions together!
  • Live monthly group Zoom calls with MindBody Mentors for the remaining months to integrate the work, address questions, and offer direct personal guidance for your deepening into this work. These will also be smaller group calls from the Tier 1 group and you will have the opportunity for more personalized assistance.
Dissolving Old Programming
Practicing Your Creative Power
Integrating Deep Healing
Accessing Universal Source Consciousness
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©2024 American Institute of MindBody Medicine, LLC.

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